Dayzad Law Celebrates Pride 2019 and 13 Years of Immigration Success

Happy Pride to our Dayzad Law family! Every year during the LGBT Pride month, we take a little time out to celebrate the LGBT community. While we enjoy our festive treats and decorations (see below), we also reflect upon the advances made so far within the community, as well as the fights that remain.  There have been many victories for LGBT immigrants and this year we have seen the success of the first openly gay candidate to make a serious bid for the presidency. However, we also continue to see a presidential administration set on dismantling the rights of the LGBT community, and LGBT immigrants seeking asylum being mistreated and even dying in U.S. immigration custody.This month as we celebrate our firm’s 13th anniversary, we continue to fight for every immigrant in all communities, including the LGBT community.


State Dept. Investigating Your Social Media Accounts


Wait Times for Naturalization Applications Have Doubled