Negative COVID Test Required to Board Flight to U.S.

Beginning January 26, 2021, all air passengers arriving in the U.S. from a foreign country must show a negative COVID-19 test to board their flight. This new rule applies to all passengers 2 years-old or older, including U.S. citizens and permanent residents.  The presidential proclamations restricting travel to nationals of certain foreign countries remain in effect and creates additional challenges.Passengers must complete a viral test (NAAT or antigen) no more than 3 days before their flight departs to the U.S. Passengers must bring their written test results (paper or electronic copy) to the airport and show them to the airline prior to boarding their flight. The test result must include information that identifies the person, the specimen collection date, and the type of test used.If you have had COVID-19 within 3 months of your flight, you are not required to have a negative test. Instead, if you have met the criteria to end isolation, you may travel with documentation of your positive test results and a letter from your healthcare provider or public health official that states you have been cleared to travel.Even if a passenger has received an approved COVID-19 vaccine, they still must show negative test results. If a passenger does not have the requisite documentation, they will not be permitted to board the flight.The CDC also recommends that travelers get tested 3-5 days after travel AND stay home or otherwise self-quarantine for 7 days after travel.Travelers can visit the CDC website for additional information. If you are a current client and you have questions about this new policy or upcoming international travel, please contact us for further guidance.


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